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UK health clubs hit by rising cost of energy

Health clubs across the UK are facing huge rises in business energy bills which are forcing difficult decisions.

The Gym Group, for example, has recently announced plans to pass on rising utility costs to its customers in membership price increases. Many others are also expected to follow suit.

Unlike households, businesses are not protected by a price cap control meaning that energy suppliers are passing on the rising cost of wholesale energy. Those looking to compare business energy prices are finding rates have more than doubled.

Why is the cost of wholesale energy so high?

Business energy prices remain at unprecedented levels due to the following key factors:

The Ukraine conflict and its effect on the supply of natural gas to Europe.
Stored gas reserves in the UK are near empty, forcing imports.
Less than usual windy weather, meaning generation from renewables has declined.

What can health clubs do about the rising cost of energy?

We recommend two key steps to manage rising electricity and gas costs:

1. Get the best possible deal from your business energy supplier

The business energy market is competitive, with many different suppliers competing to offer the lowest rates. In a time of market volatility, the savings to be had comparing the market are more significant than ever.

Use a business energy comparison service to compare the whole market and get the best deal easily.

2. Focus on energy efficiency

Business energy rates are charged per unit kWh that your health club consumes. Lighting and temperature control in gyms are significant sources of energy consumption, and both offer the potential for efficiency improvements.

Installing LED light bulbs can save 20-30 per cent off the cost of conventional lighting. However, an even better option is a skylight that doesn’t use electricity and improves the look and feel of a gym.

In a time of soaring energy costs, replacing older air conditioning systems sooner than you planned can be cost-effective. An energy-efficient modern system can cut electricity consumption by up to 20 per cent.

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